Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Day 5 Happy: Aspartame Free

Nothing could have destroyed my good mood yesterday! Day 5 free from aspartame was a great success. I had energy, felt good, and my husband even said I looked good! (How incredibly nice of him! However, I'm sure it was a lie for motivational purposes! )

After my 2 cups of coffee, I quench my thirst with water. Here is my delicious concoction:

Water, sliced lemon, lime, and cucumber! Although it does not taste anything like my lovely Diet Mountain Dew, it is actually very yummy!

So, Day 5. I had a craving but never indulged. I had tons of energy...tons. And, I was very happy. Seriously. Happy. Like I said earlier, nothing could have disturbed my mood.

Also, I'm noticing my skin seems to be clearing up from my traditional breakouts very quickly.

Can I attribute all of these things to living aspartame free? No, I can't. It is rather ironic, though...

Stay tuned for day 6......

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